I can typically be found near sushi, surrounded by friends, or with a bottle of hot sauce in hand. My favorite way to travel is on foot with a trusty backpack. Connecticut born and Rhode Island living! I spend my time designing, traveling, reading and continually improving my skill set within my day-to-day work, LinkedIn Learning (Previously Lynda.com), Udemy, and Treehouse to refine my development and Project Management skillset.
I began my college and professional career in Culinary Arts, receiving an A.S. from Johnson & Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island. Following graduation, I decided it was time for a change. Having always enjoyed graphic design, and all kinds of creative arts I decided to pursue a degree in graphic design. In 2010, I graduated from Johnson & Wales with an A.S. and B.S in Graphic Design & New Media. Ever since I have been fully immersed in Graphic Design related positions. Over the years I have developed a broader scope of interest, and the ability to manage many larger responsibilities. Most recently, I was given the opportunity to lead a department of 8 Graphic Designers which has been an incredibly rewarding experience. It is a goal of mine to never stop learning and taking on new responsibilities and challenges.

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